Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Westchester County is on Notice

Way back in 2010, Rob Astorino vetoed the spending plan of the Super
Majority. Their accounting gimmicks were seen for what they were,
gimmicks. Astorino sent a letter to the Legislators stating that
‘Never in the history of our County has a C.E. or B.O.L. used any
funds, surplus or reserve from the current ongoing fiscal year in an
attempt to cover the cost of additional spending in budget being
adopted for the very next budget year.

This morning in the Journal News we read a statement from Ken Jenkins citing the board's cutting the tax levy by 2.2%, trimming the workforce by 10% and slicing $28 million from the budget.  

Hmm, not so fast.

The fact is Harckham and crew added $32.5 MILLION in spending back into the
budget. To cover their expenses they raised our reserves and
misrepresented their accounting by increasing the sales tax projection
by $2.3 MILLION; added back $2.6 MILLION in nonexistent federal aid;
took $5 MILLION from the general fund balance; they deleted $10
MILLION in funds that were set aside to pay for unsettled union
contracts; and now they are ‘befuddled’? The Super Majority was warned
about using our reserve funds as their private piggy bank to trick the

Time to vote them out!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

A Serious Problem requires Serious People

Legislator Harchkam and Board Chairman Jenkins, for months, told us they had put forth a plan better than Astorino’s saving us a ‘great deal of money’ and ‘lowering taxes’. Astorino said all they did was shuffle money around. Well friends, the rooster has come home to roost – turns out, yet again, that Astorino was correct. The article states that ‘lawmakers were befuddled’, I would have to assume they meant the Super Majority. Westchester County’s bond rating outlook lowered:

Herein lies the problem with vetoes, super majorities, and non profits. Someone, somewhere, should be monitoring how OUR money is being spent don’t you think? Westchester’s Cornell Cooperative in need of promised funds:

And herein lies another example of the problem when a super majority, with the spend spend spend mentality, rules the roost:

Now, add up those three stories – are you not sick of the calls for bi-partisanship or reaching across the aisle? I am.  We here in Westchester have a spending problem (yes, just like the one in Albany and DC but on a lesser scale), one that Astorino has tried and tried to curtail. The out of control spending must stop. That’s why I am running for the county leg – someone’s got to get in there that isn’t seeking a career, isn’t seeking to make friends, and someone who realizes there is no money tree in the back yard. We need serious people in these seats and if that means replacing every single one of them that doesn’t comprehend the big picture – then that’s what we must do.  I haven’t been pressing my candidacy on you – but today I am b/c this is just becoming so ridiculous. We’ve got to get the word out that this Super Majority must go and be replaced with REAL conservatives. Westchester needs YOUR help. It’s time to get serious and fast.

Thursday, July 7, 2011


Do you know the Britney Spears song ‘Oops I did it again’? Seems a most appropriate song for what the Democrats just pulled – again. Yes, I am speaking of their override of Astorino’s veto to ensure a ‘free’ entrance fee to Playland for Westchester Residents. Please pay no mind that the lost revenue has to be made up somewhere;  Please pay no mind that this will HURT not HELP Westchester in any way shape or form.

In Britney’s song she sings ‘You see my problem is this: I’m dreaming away; Wishing that heroes, they truly exist. Can’t you see I’m a fool in so many ways? But to lose all my senses that is just so typically me….’ You get the idea.

We need a wake up call for this Super Majority. Seems they are ‘dreaming away’ believing that Playland losing money isn’t so; believing that taking away the entrance fee will ‘bring more people in’ (in truth I agree with this one in that it will bring more teenagers in who only want to ‘hang around’ which of course will turn off the families that we should be trying to attract).  It’s important to note that statistics show through June 12th of this year, resident spectators numbered 7,323, down from 12,212 in 2010. Conveniently, the Super Majority blames the spectator fee but the reality is – has anyone bothered to notice our Economy? Worse yet, the Dems have no workable/realistic plan to recoup the $377,000 we now will lose – that we need! Dare I say Typical?? Problem is, facts are facts and those facts scream ‘Houston We Have a Problem’!

Britney may have gotten ‘lost in the game’ but we cannot afford to. Our Super Majority doesn’t seem to grasp the concept that we pay fees every single day! The latest argument is a ‘double tax’ argument. By far, I find this one the MOST humorous. Can someone, anyone, give me one example of where we are not double taxed?

“The goal is to get people into Playland—not keep them out,” said Legislator and Minority Whip Judith Myers (D-Larchmont).  With all due respect Ms. Myers, the goal for Playland is to make a profit and Stop Running at a deficit to the detriment of Westchester County taxpayers!