Thursday, December 29, 2011

Waiting for a reply....

Yesterday I posted the following question on Congresswoman Nan Hayworth’s facebook page: Dear Rep. Hayworth, there is much debate going on right now and it is my hope that you will set the record straight. Some of our NY19 constituents would like to know where you stand on the Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge (STOCK) Act? Do you support or oppose it? If the former, do have any intention of becoming a co-sponsor? And finally, could you tell us where you stand on Majority Leader Eric Cantor's recent action to put a halt to Financial Services Chairman Spencer Bachus scheduled markup of the bill?  My motivation is twofold and I hope we get a public response. The left among us living in NY19 is having a field day with the fact that there are over 241 co-sponsors to this bill and Nan isn’t one of them. Clearly it seems to be a no brainer for if we pulled this insider trading nonsense we’d be in jail. I await a reply but if you’re on facebook it might be beneficial to ask a similar question. We need to end this practice asap!