Wednesday, February 15, 2012

An Open Letter to my fellow Americans

OUR Country is Dying and we’re allowing it to happen

I believe with my heart and soul that America is good. That we are the shining city built upon a God Given Hill.

I believe in honesty, sincerity, hard work, and courage. I believe those traits are what have made America great.  

I believe people when they say they are patriots, say they love this country.

I believe the majority of us long for simpler times but simpler times require courage and hard work.

It requires us to have an innate honesty when looking into what plagues us as a nation, a state, a county, a town.

While it’s easy to sit back and say Obama is failing America, is failing we, the American People, or the democrats are failing us, or the republicans are failing us, I say we’re not being completely honest.
It is WE who are failing America.

We do not properly vet our candidates. We do not make it our business to know everything there is to know about someone who wants to represent us yet we’re shocked when ‘our candidates’ get in and then seemingly performs a 180 b/c we weren’t being honest with ourselves.

We look the other way with abortion believing it’s a woman’s right to choose. We ignore the mere fact that that choice is a choice between life and murder.

We look the other way as our tax dollars are sent to Planned Parenthood knowing full well they are in the business of promoting sex and murder to our youngest and most vulnerable.

We look the other way as our schools take away holiday celebrations b/c it might offend. Yet our silence sends the message it’s okay for our children to be offended.

We look the other way as our Constitution is trampled upon b/c we’re busy or b/c we believe a post here or there will make the difference.

Some right now take offense to my saying the word ‘we’ but in truth it is ‘we’. We do not fight like the left – they fight to the death. We instead get involved momentarily and then shrink away. The left never shrinks – they work harder to get their way, they are courageous no matter how wrong they are. We sit on the sidelines shaking our heads with tears rolling down our faces.

We have a choice and that choice is simple. We either take a stand now, We decide that we are in the fight to the end or we accept the inevitable – an ungodly country of tyranny. The choice, as it has always been, is ours. What we do with that choice is what will determine the outcome of America’s continuing greatness.

The light on the hill is dimming – it’s going to take honesty, sincerity, hard work and courage.

Mark twain once said In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, and scorned. When his cause succeeds however, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot

It’s going to cost us all something to be the needed patriot. We’ll be ridiculed, called a racist etc. oh wait, that’s already happened, but the last time I checked – sticks and stones break our bones but names can never hurt us. So, what are we afraid of?

The time of flag waving is over – the time is upon us to make our voices heard – no matter what. We must start pushing back – we must call out the lies and deceit on all sides; we must demand that our American values and traditions be honored.

We are being purposefully manipulated and divided on every level and our Silence and tolerance will be our eventual demise.

Here is a prime example of the left’s determination to win – something WE never do: As promised, an anti-gun group began a boycott of Starbucks on Valentine’s Day over the chain’s gun policy — or rather, its lack of a gun policy. The CEO of the National Gun Victims Action Council (NGAC) said he tried to avoid the “Brew Not Bullets” boycott, but Starbucks would not budge on its stance. “The boycott will end only when Starbucks rejects the NRA’s Pro-Gun agenda by 1) banning all guns from their stores and 2) committing to be an Aggressive Corporate Advocate for sane gun laws,” NGAC CEO Elliot Fineman said in a news release.
Starbucks' gun policy is simply that is abides by local laws, saying "In the end, we determined that following local laws is the best approach for us.  Were we to adopt a policy different from local laws allowing open carry, we would be forced to require our partners to ask law abiding customers to leave our stores."  But Fineman isn't buying that explanation. "As local laws also allow them to ban guns, they expose their real position which has nothing to do with local laws; the fact is that Starbucks supports the NRA's lethal Pro-Gun Agenda," he said.
NGAC is asking supporters to send an email to Starbucks, which reads in part:
I support the Valentine’s Day launch of the BREW not BULLETS: Say no to Starbucks Boycott. I will not visit Starbucks stores or buy any Starbucks products wherever they are sold until your company joins other national chains — including Disney, IKEA, California Pizza Kitchen and others — in banning handguns and assault rifles from your stores and becoming an advocate for sane gun laws. Thousands of people have petitioned, asked at your shareholder meeting, and appealed directly to your Board to ban guns in your stores. Your refusal is a vote for the NRA and their lethal pro-gun agenda!

Truth, Honesty, Hard Work and Courage will set us free- nothing less. I will add determination and perseverance to that list. We need to take some clues from the left on the latter two.

Our County is dying – its up to ‘US’ to ensure its survival.

I hope you’re up to the task b/c if not us then who??