Wednesday, February 15, 2012

An Open Letter to my fellow Americans

OUR Country is Dying and we’re allowing it to happen

I believe with my heart and soul that America is good. That we are the shining city built upon a God Given Hill.

I believe in honesty, sincerity, hard work, and courage. I believe those traits are what have made America great.  

I believe people when they say they are patriots, say they love this country.

I believe the majority of us long for simpler times but simpler times require courage and hard work.

It requires us to have an innate honesty when looking into what plagues us as a nation, a state, a county, a town.

While it’s easy to sit back and say Obama is failing America, is failing we, the American People, or the democrats are failing us, or the republicans are failing us, I say we’re not being completely honest.
It is WE who are failing America.

We do not properly vet our candidates. We do not make it our business to know everything there is to know about someone who wants to represent us yet we’re shocked when ‘our candidates’ get in and then seemingly performs a 180 b/c we weren’t being honest with ourselves.

We look the other way with abortion believing it’s a woman’s right to choose. We ignore the mere fact that that choice is a choice between life and murder.

We look the other way as our tax dollars are sent to Planned Parenthood knowing full well they are in the business of promoting sex and murder to our youngest and most vulnerable.

We look the other way as our schools take away holiday celebrations b/c it might offend. Yet our silence sends the message it’s okay for our children to be offended.

We look the other way as our Constitution is trampled upon b/c we’re busy or b/c we believe a post here or there will make the difference.

Some right now take offense to my saying the word ‘we’ but in truth it is ‘we’. We do not fight like the left – they fight to the death. We instead get involved momentarily and then shrink away. The left never shrinks – they work harder to get their way, they are courageous no matter how wrong they are. We sit on the sidelines shaking our heads with tears rolling down our faces.

We have a choice and that choice is simple. We either take a stand now, We decide that we are in the fight to the end or we accept the inevitable – an ungodly country of tyranny. The choice, as it has always been, is ours. What we do with that choice is what will determine the outcome of America’s continuing greatness.

The light on the hill is dimming – it’s going to take honesty, sincerity, hard work and courage.

Mark twain once said In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, and scorned. When his cause succeeds however, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot

It’s going to cost us all something to be the needed patriot. We’ll be ridiculed, called a racist etc. oh wait, that’s already happened, but the last time I checked – sticks and stones break our bones but names can never hurt us. So, what are we afraid of?

The time of flag waving is over – the time is upon us to make our voices heard – no matter what. We must start pushing back – we must call out the lies and deceit on all sides; we must demand that our American values and traditions be honored.

We are being purposefully manipulated and divided on every level and our Silence and tolerance will be our eventual demise.

Here is a prime example of the left’s determination to win – something WE never do: As promised, an anti-gun group began a boycott of Starbucks on Valentine’s Day over the chain’s gun policy — or rather, its lack of a gun policy. The CEO of the National Gun Victims Action Council (NGAC) said he tried to avoid the “Brew Not Bullets” boycott, but Starbucks would not budge on its stance. “The boycott will end only when Starbucks rejects the NRA’s Pro-Gun agenda by 1) banning all guns from their stores and 2) committing to be an Aggressive Corporate Advocate for sane gun laws,” NGAC CEO Elliot Fineman said in a news release.
Starbucks' gun policy is simply that is abides by local laws, saying "In the end, we determined that following local laws is the best approach for us.  Were we to adopt a policy different from local laws allowing open carry, we would be forced to require our partners to ask law abiding customers to leave our stores."  But Fineman isn't buying that explanation. "As local laws also allow them to ban guns, they expose their real position which has nothing to do with local laws; the fact is that Starbucks supports the NRA's lethal Pro-Gun Agenda," he said.
NGAC is asking supporters to send an email to Starbucks, which reads in part:
I support the Valentine’s Day launch of the BREW not BULLETS: Say no to Starbucks Boycott. I will not visit Starbucks stores or buy any Starbucks products wherever they are sold until your company joins other national chains — including Disney, IKEA, California Pizza Kitchen and others — in banning handguns and assault rifles from your stores and becoming an advocate for sane gun laws. Thousands of people have petitioned, asked at your shareholder meeting, and appealed directly to your Board to ban guns in your stores. Your refusal is a vote for the NRA and their lethal pro-gun agenda!

Truth, Honesty, Hard Work and Courage will set us free- nothing less. I will add determination and perseverance to that list. We need to take some clues from the left on the latter two.

Our County is dying – its up to ‘US’ to ensure its survival.

I hope you’re up to the task b/c if not us then who??

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Waiting for a reply....

Yesterday I posted the following question on Congresswoman Nan Hayworth’s facebook page: Dear Rep. Hayworth, there is much debate going on right now and it is my hope that you will set the record straight. Some of our NY19 constituents would like to know where you stand on the Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge (STOCK) Act? Do you support or oppose it? If the former, do have any intention of becoming a co-sponsor? And finally, could you tell us where you stand on Majority Leader Eric Cantor's recent action to put a halt to Financial Services Chairman Spencer Bachus scheduled markup of the bill?  My motivation is twofold and I hope we get a public response. The left among us living in NY19 is having a field day with the fact that there are over 241 co-sponsors to this bill and Nan isn’t one of them. Clearly it seems to be a no brainer for if we pulled this insider trading nonsense we’d be in jail. I await a reply but if you’re on facebook it might be beneficial to ask a similar question. We need to end this practice asap!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

We Are But Pawns

September 27, 2011

Oh yesterday was a busy busy day. Seems the ‘Republican’ candidates for the County Legislator positions in Westchester got together and called for the immediate approval of 450 jobs. Doesn’t that sound wonderful?


Here’s the story – we’re talking about 45 public works projects, including some supposedly sent to the Legislature by the Astorino administration as long as a year ago.

The press release goes like this: these projects have been:

bogged down in Legislative bureaucratic maze established by the Board of Legislators current leadership”.

"Putting aside how ludicrous any committee with only one member is, you now have one member of the BOL leadership able to hold hostage highway construction projects, building maintenances and park improvements for purposes of political horse trading", said Michael Smith candidate in CLD # .3. "This is the very shenanigans that have lead to such mistrust of government at all levels."

Ross Pepe, chairman of the Construction Industry Council agreed that is imperative that these projects be approved and his members be put back to work.

"It's not about the politics for me and our members", said Pepe. "It's about getting hundreds of tradesman and construction worker back to work - they are hurting far more than many other sectors of the economy."

Some (of) the projects still bottled up in multiple committees include major highway paving jobs in Peekskill, Eastchester and Mount Pleasant, improvements at 13 County parks as well as design work for renovation of the Smoke House Training Facility at the fire training facility.

"The public should be outraged that their streets and parks are not being maintained because one single member of the super majority is able to hold a project hostage for months to play pure politics," said Iris Pagan candidate running in CLD # 5.

"With the embarrassing distinction of being the highest taxed County in the nation, Westchester residents should be able to boast the best infrastructure in the state. Unfortunately, backroom nonsense and questionable priorities are holding up both the taxpayers and the jobs that would facilitate much needed improvements to our County roads and parks. So we remain overtaxed and underserved by this Board majority," said Susan Konig, candidate in CLD# 9.

The jobs total is based upon the Board of Legislators estimates derived from Federal standards. The BOL website shows there is a subcommittee to the Budget and Appropriations Committee comprised on one member, BOL Vice Chairman Lyndon Williams from Mount Vernon.

On the surface – we should ALL be outraged this nonsense is happening but then – we do some research and some thinking. We are but pawns in a political game my friends.

Yesterday the Westchester Legislators came out urging something of their own. THEY want immediate action of lagging bridge repairs. ‘They’ of course are pointing to Astorino and urging that HE speed up action on bridge repairs around our county in light of the Journal News article pointing to the dangerous deterioration of some 35 bridges. Stay with me here.

“It is time for the Astorino Administration to face the facts and make the necessary investments in infrastructure projects on a proactive basis before falling debris causes a serious accident on one or more of our roads and highways,” said BOL Chairman Ken Jenkins (D-Yonkers). “Investing in our infrastructure shouldn’t be treated like a political football. We need the County Executive to start pushing for bridge repairs right away, and the Board of Legislators looks forward to working closely with the Administration on this.”

Jenkins noted that the Journal News was incorrect to state that the County’s 2011 capital budget plan for roads and bridges is $27.5 million. The real amount is only $7 million. The Journal News also erroneously stated that $20 million of bridge repairs is awaiting approval by the BOL. For the record, no bridge projects are presently being held up by the BOL—because there hasn’t been a single project proposed by the Administration in two years. (Umm, if that’s true couldn’t they – the Super Majority have proposed something? – sorry common sense moment).

“What matters most is that we start repairing as many as of these deteriorating bridges right now—either start drawing plans or getting existing plans off the drawing board,” said Legislator and BOL Public Works, Parks, Labor and Transportation Committee member Judy Myers (D-Larchmont). “In good conscience, County Executive Astorino should fast track as many of the bridge repair projects as possible.”

Legislator MaryJane Shimsky (D-Hastings-on-Hudson), who recently undertook a tour of some of the crumbling bridges in her district, including the Ravensdale Bridge in Hastings and the Ashford Avenue Bridge in Dobbs Ferry, said: “These two visibly deteriorating bridges pose a safety issue for motorists and passengers driving on the Saw Mill River Parkway and New York State Thruway. Emergency responders are very concerned about a possible emergency closure of the Ashford Avenue bridge because that would cut off Ardsley from the nearest hospital. The Ashford Avenue structure is the worst County-owned bridge in Westchester.”

As for the Astorino Administration’s assertion in the Journal News article that funding is “in place to fix 75 percent” of its 35 bridges needing major repairs, Legislator and BOL Public Works, Parks, Labor and Transportation (PWPLT) Committee Chairman Bill Ryan (D-White Plains) said, “That’s not so. If the funding were in place, the repairs would be ongoing. This is a matter of public safety. We have the responsibility to keep our bridges safe for the driving public. This County Executive apparently doesn’t realize that. The Administration needs to get moving on this before it’s too late and people get seriously hurt or killed.”
Committee Chairman Ryan also pointed out the economic benefits of getting bridge repairs underway. “These projects put our construction industry to work,” he said. “The County Executive has to understand that fixing our infrastructure means new jobs!”
Now before I connect the dots – there’s a few other things we NEED to know.
Last year in March Senator Ball united with officers and members of the Building and Construction Trade Council of Westchester and Putnam Counties, New York and the Construction Industry Council of Westchester & Hudson Valley, Inc. to sign a joint letter to Governor Paterson, expressing their disappointment with the amended changes to Wick’s Law contained in the Governor’s proposed 2010-2011 Budget – you can read all about that here:
Now, let’s look at one of the names that continues to come up in these press releases – Ross Pepe – President of the Construction Industry Council of Westchester and Hudson Valley Inc. Mr. Pepe stood with Congresswoman Lowey just this month stating ““A National Infrastructure Bank will provide millions of dollars of private capital to improve the nation’s infrastructure while creating thousands of immediate jobs that will help lift the economy and improve business conditions,” A National Infrastructure Bank, the article stated, “would provide loans, loan guarantees, bonds, and even startup capital to finance rehabilitation and construction of water systems, roads, energy grids, broadband communications, and other critical infrastructure assets.  Every $1 billion of infrastructure investment creates at least 30,000 jobs and generates more than $6 billion of economic activity”.,18&itemid=737
Here’s something else you NEED to know:
So, why is all of this a problem? Well for starters – these bridges didn’t JUST become deteriorated. Where were all the Legislators concern for our safety over the years??
Let’s take stock as to what the ‘union bosses’ have done for Westchester County most recently shall we so we can understand this passionate call from both sides: I-287 work, which began in January, 2000, has cost an average of $63 million per mile of construction. The work, which is now due for completion at the end of next year, has cost nearly $743 million in state and federal money. This project has seen delays and cost overruns and guess what – the blame has been assigned to design, inspection and ‘other’ costs. Hmm.
As you know – we, Westchester – have been named the reigning champ – again – when it comes to taxes. Funny thing is however the value of our property has been going DOWN.
Last year, the county reduced its budget by $30 million and reduced taxes by 2 percent, it was the first tax cut in 10 years. To address our failing infrastructure and union leaders that fail to stick to their budget – I sure hope you enjoyed that 2% tax decrease for as we all know taxes go UP to pay for the union contracts. I might add that the financial problems faced by so many states can be linked directly to long term union contracts that have built in raises – thereby limiting the state’s ability to deal with deficits.
Sen. Chuck Schumer yesterday called on the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to work to reduce flooding on the Saw Mill River. The senator is calling on FEMA to remove debris from the river, which during moderate to heavy rains, floods its banks. Officials say that the project is more complicated than just coming in and cleaning it up. They say federal and state permits are needed, as well as money to fund the project. One would think they could waive the permits in this case but one would be dreaming I suppose. Ahh politics and politicking.
So what would make BOTH SIDES try to ‘one up’ the other for the unions sake and pick up where Andy Spano left off? What would make both sides ignore the question of just who is going to pay for these jobs? Can you say November E L E C T I O N?
Bbbuuuttt wait – what about all those campaign promises to protect Westchester’s retired? Westchester’s elderly? You know – those living on a fixed income. To lower our taxes? Sorry you lose.
One final thought - If I287 is any inkling about the projected cost of these 45 public works projects – It might just be time to start thinking about a family move to Florida b/c it’s more than apparent that BOTH sides are catering to one group and it isn’t the taxpayers and both incumbent and Legislator wanabees alike are catering to fulfill one motive – their own job and benefits at YOUR expense.
Shameful is the word of the day.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

And the blame goes to.....

Westchester Legislators back in the news – this time bemoaning 'where's the plan'. 

Remember, pay no mind to their words – only their actions. Legislator and Majority Leader Peter Harckham (D-Katonah) said: “It’s worrisome that, so far, the Astorino Administration has been silent on how it intends to convince the financial industry that Westchester officials are working hard to strengthen our fiscal position. We need to reassure the local economy that we’re a AAA rated county while we continue to cut costs and do things more efficiently.” 

Here's what's really worrisome - they were warned by the Republicans on the board that the county's high bond rating would be put at risk by the Super Majority's "reckless use of the county's fund balance and the questionable revenue sources" and ignored them!

Try as they might to twist reality, the cold hard fact remains - it is Harckham and Co. that earn ALL the blame period.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Two for Tuesday

Seems my letter to the editor hit a sensitive spot with Pete so he called in his big guns to do his bidding. Not sure how I missed it but I did - The Bedford-Katonah Patch printed 4 support letters for Peter Harckham (2 of those 4 were against me) on August 2nd. The funny thing about these 4 letters is that they read as if they were written together over coffee. Equally amusing is that they repeat the same lies. I guess they're from the old school of 'if you repeat a lie often enough people will believe it'. Sad and funny all the way around! The real story is a comment posted under the 4 letters written by a Democrat – Charmain Neary – be sure to read that one!

A little research went in to these ‘letter writers’.
Phyllis Ross is an Art Historian – she’s an Obama supporter.
Bea Rhodes ran for Town Clerk of Bedford in 2009 on the D/WFP lines and lost to Lisbeth Fumagalli – also part of the Bedford Tree Advisory Board.
Jeremy Mand – a 2008 Manhattanville graduate, he’s a young Dem who, in 2010, was the co vice chair of the Bedford Democratic Committee and the Treasurer for the Westchester Young Democrats – he also began his career working for John Hall and this year for Nita Lowey.
Thea Fry is an environmentalist who supports open space and riding trails. Thea and her husband designed a PVC Shoplight-Growlight Frame – it’s pretty cool just google it.

So, why is it important to know who’s writing a letter – simple – you need to understand their frame of mind. When people are spoon fed information (insiders & friends) vs. doing their own research it becomes quite apparent, as these 4 letters ultimately prove. (I realize using someone else’s information is easier - as is cheating off of someone else’s test, but jeeze).

At any rate, if they spent some of their time perusing the county board minutes, they’d retract their own letters and maybe even issue an apology but I won’t hold my breath. In the end the truth will win out – it always does!

Speaking of truth - this morning you will read that the BOL overrode Astorino's veto, again. This time to spend $700,000 on the pool at Mt. Lakes in North Salem. Jenkins stated to the Journal News that this move was mostly administrative and making sure financing and laws approved by the board were consistent. "We're making sure the books are in order", he said. "All this was doing was cleaning up the books." Got that? The work was already done - the money wasn't needed but hey it was allocated so let's spend it. Seriously - this is a waste of YOUR money. The Spend, Spend, Spendaholics are killing Westchester!
When Astorino vetoed Harckham's proposal of this money I wrote about how North Salem residents were no victim - they took care of what had to be taken care of - that's what excellent Supervisors do. You'll notice in 2009 an engineering study was done that showed the pool losing water so money was budgeted to fix the problem. Hmm, it's 2011 - why did it take so long for the board to dole the money out leaving North Salem to fix the 'pressing problem'? Because it wasn't an election year! Harckham thought he could use this on his list of 'great accomplishments'.  Of course this time, it purely shows their arrogance - they don't care that it's your money; they don't care that the money is no longer needed. Any questions?   

Monday, August 8, 2011

Politics on the Hudson Reports:

The Westchester Children’s Museum has their lease.

The Board of Legislators unanimously approved a $1 a year lease over 10-years in exchange for millions in renovations last evening.

Under the terms of the deal, the museum would pay $1 a year for 10 years to occupy 21,390 square feet in the north wing of the 1928 historic landmark. The museum would also cover up to $6.44 million in upfront repairs and interior work.

Despite calls from County Executive Rob Astorino’s administration to postpone approval of any contract until the county knows what its doing with the property in terms of running it, both Democrats and Republicans said a children’s museum would be an asset for Playland.

“This is a museum that is shovel ready and this is a building that has sat vacant for years and years,” said Legislator Judy Myers, D-Mamaroneck, whose district includes Rye. “The Westchester Children’s Museum is the perfect example of a public private partnership.”

I honestly don't understand what the rush was but then again I don't understand the motives behind this Super Majority of ours. They ALL need to go!

Here We Go Again!

Two issues for you this morning:

Ken Jenkins tweeted this morning the following article from the Journal News: Lawmakers tout early retirement program:

The last paragraph is most telling of the true deceit of the Super Majority to the taxpayers of Westchester: "We will continue to look for dynamic and creative ways to save taxpayers more money — plain and simple," said Westchester County Board of Legislators Majority Whip Judy Myers, D-Mamaroneck.

How exactly are we ‘saving taxpayers more money’ when we’re kicking the can down the road while paying additional interest and principal over the next 5 years of our County budget?

Ken Jenkins Tweet: Thousands attend #Westchester Indian heritage festival |The Journal News| funded over CE veto - @westchesterBOL

He fails to mention how much this cost YOU, the taxpayer however, I am awfully glad that he’s taking credit for spending YOUR tax dollars over Astorino’s veto.

Here’s the thing – instead of kicking the can down the road and spending money on ‘niceties’ that most likely could have been privately funded, shouldn’t we be doing ALL we can to REALLY save taxpayers money?