Wednesday, August 17, 2011

And the blame goes to.....

Westchester Legislators back in the news – this time bemoaning 'where's the plan'. 

Remember, pay no mind to their words – only their actions. Legislator and Majority Leader Peter Harckham (D-Katonah) said: “It’s worrisome that, so far, the Astorino Administration has been silent on how it intends to convince the financial industry that Westchester officials are working hard to strengthen our fiscal position. We need to reassure the local economy that we’re a AAA rated county while we continue to cut costs and do things more efficiently.” 

Here's what's really worrisome - they were warned by the Republicans on the board that the county's high bond rating would be put at risk by the Super Majority's "reckless use of the county's fund balance and the questionable revenue sources" and ignored them!

Try as they might to twist reality, the cold hard fact remains - it is Harckham and Co. that earn ALL the blame period.

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