Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Voter Beware!

BOL Chairman Jenkins was invited to join the NACO’s Community and Economic Development Steering Committee where he will discuss housing programs, public works and economic development. I find this extremely troubling for many reasons. 

This is the same man that refuses to take responsibility for fudging our budget with fake cuts; refuses to realize spending money on food is ridiculous at the taxpayer’s expense; spends the majority of his ‘op-ed’ time blasting our County Exec on things that usually prove to be false accusation. Jenkins takes the ‘blame game’ and ‘redistribution of wealth’ playbook of Obama’s to new heights. 

Let’s also not forget that Peter Harckham is a big fan of Mr. Jenkins and votes accordingly (Please keep in mind that Harckham ignores consistently the fact that he is supposed to represent District 2 not Yonkers - so it's all linked together and it's all very troubling).

Voter beware!

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