Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Two for Tuesday

Seems my letter to the editor http://chappaqua.patch.com/articles/letter-to-the-editor-lisa-douglas-sounds-off-on-spending hit a sensitive spot with Pete so he called in his big guns to do his bidding. Not sure how I missed it but I did - The Bedford-Katonah Patch printed 4 support letters for Peter Harckham (2 of those 4 were against me) on August 2nd. The funny thing about these 4 letters is that they read as if they were written together over coffee. Equally amusing is that they repeat the same lies. I guess they're from the old school of 'if you repeat a lie often enough people will believe it'. Sad and funny all the way around! The real story is a comment posted under the 4 letters written by a Democrat – Charmain Neary – be sure to read that one!

A little research went in to these ‘letter writers’.
Phyllis Ross is an Art Historian – she’s an Obama supporter.
Bea Rhodes ran for Town Clerk of Bedford in 2009 on the D/WFP lines and lost to Lisbeth Fumagalli – also part of the Bedford Tree Advisory Board.
Jeremy Mand – a 2008 Manhattanville graduate, he’s a young Dem who, in 2010, was the co vice chair of the Bedford Democratic Committee and the Treasurer for the Westchester Young Democrats – he also began his career working for John Hall and this year for Nita Lowey.
Thea Fry is an environmentalist who supports open space and riding trails. Thea and her husband designed a PVC Shoplight-Growlight Frame – it’s pretty cool just google it.

So, why is it important to know who’s writing a letter – simple – you need to understand their frame of mind. When people are spoon fed information (insiders & friends) vs. doing their own research it becomes quite apparent, as these 4 letters ultimately prove. (I realize using someone else’s information is easier - as is cheating off of someone else’s test, but jeeze).

At any rate, if they spent some of their time perusing the county board minutes, they’d retract their own letters and maybe even issue an apology but I won’t hold my breath. In the end the truth will win out – it always does!

Speaking of truth - this morning you will read that the BOL overrode Astorino's veto, again. This time to spend $700,000 on the pool at Mt. Lakes in North Salem. Jenkins stated to the Journal News that this move was mostly administrative and making sure financing and laws approved by the board were consistent. "We're making sure the books are in order", he said. "All this was doing was cleaning up the books." Got that? The work was already done - the money wasn't needed but hey it was allocated so let's spend it. Seriously - this is a waste of YOUR money. The Spend, Spend, Spendaholics are killing Westchester!
When Astorino vetoed Harckham's proposal of this money I wrote about how North Salem residents were no victim - they took care of what had to be taken care of - that's what excellent Supervisors do. You'll notice in 2009 an engineering study was done that showed the pool losing water so money was budgeted to fix the problem. Hmm, it's 2011 - why did it take so long for the board to dole the money out leaving North Salem to fix the 'pressing problem'? Because it wasn't an election year! Harckham thought he could use this on his list of 'great accomplishments'.  Of course this time, it purely shows their arrogance - they don't care that it's your money; they don't care that the money is no longer needed. Any questions?  http://tinyurl.com/3z5vxxs   

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