Monday, June 27, 2011

The latest saga.....

Well, here we go again. Reported on Friday June 24th, the Democrat Super Majority have yet another problem with County Executive Rob Astorino.  It’s being reported that cuts to 31 different Invest-in-Kids programs (overseen by the County - run by non-for-profit agencies) have been made to the tune of $141,000. Ken Jenkins and crew are crying that Astorino has broken the law. 

Now, for simplicity let’s start with the basics… the county’s job is to oversee these programs. Good government worries about every penny, works to keep beneficial programs alive while ensuring we don’t have duplicating programs, and finding ways to be fiscally responsible to every taxpayer. Okay, back to the story.

Ned McCormack (Astorino’s senior adviser) is quoted in the Journal News as saying “We should be spending what’s necessary and not a dollar more. We are constantly working to stretch every tax dollar. In the case of youth programs we have worked closely with our providers to find savings with the result that we have actually INCREASED the total number of kids served in the first five months of this year by about 15 percent compared to the same period last year.”  That, to me, sounds like a success story!

On the Westchester County Legislators website we read “Now we need to know what reductions in services to the youth of Westchester have occurred because of these unexplained actions,” said Legislator and Community Services Committee member MaryJane Shimsky (D-Hastings-on-Hudson). It doesn't sound like much, if any, if we refer back to McCormack's statement. If there really is a loss of services then we have something to talk about but a reported 15% increase leaves much doubt that something is being lost no? 

Anyway, Chairman Jenkins is on record stating that any decision to make cuts is a violation of the Budget Act of 2011, citing the following:

Sections 15 and 16 of the 2011 Budget Act state: “…the full appropriations set forth in Miscellaneous Budget (52) including line 2081 (Invest in Kids programs) are hereby determined to be amounts necessary and sufficient for the purposes designated and except upon the prior approval of the Board of Legislators Committee on Budget and Appropriations and where relevant shall be fully expended through contracts with not-for-profit organizations…The policies adopted by the Board of Legislators in connection with the approval of the 2011 County Budget shall be enforced consistent with the appropriations herewith. No changes shall be effective without the approval of the Board of Legislators pursuant to the Laws of Westchester County.”

I get it – I really do. The super majority wants to vote on it and it does read that they should vote on it. But let’s break down just one piece of the law – “determined to be amounts necessary and sufficient for the purposes designated”. If it’s been determined that what has been budgeted is too much, wouldn’t it make sense to cut that amount and put it elsewhere where it could perhaps be of more use? If it’s a fact that we’ve seen a 15% increase using only x amount of dollars – leaving a surplus – shouldn’t we reclaim that budget line surplus?

I may be alone here but in my view the county executive’s job is to be responsible for the administrative and management functions of county government. Their job is to keep our county moving forward all the while being the most fiscally responsible.

The Super Majority seems to still believe we have a surplus of money and sides with the ‘spend our way out of this mess’. All we need to really do is look at the Playland fiasco, the union lawsuit, and their continual efforts not to cut anywhere.

Astorino is taking a look at everything. Isn’t that something both sides should be doing? It might behoove Westchester in allowing the board to vote on this – as once and for all there will be no doubt who is worried about YOUR tax dollars and how they are being spent and who is not.

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