Friday, June 17, 2011

S.O.S. Westchester Residents

To ALL Westchester Residents,
This Monday, June 20th our Westchester County Board of Legislators is planning on voting/approving a plan to allow the Westchester Children’s Museum to take over a prime piece of real estate at Playland – the Bath Houses. This stems from a verbal deal made with the museum under Mr. Spano, which will allow the museum to pay rent of $1 for the piece of property for 10 years.

The issue is not the museum, who could say no to a children's museum. The issue is that County Executive Astorino has a group, as I write; reviewing the winning RFP’s for Playland. They have a target date of the first week of July to report back to Astorino on what the group deems the best fit for the Park and We, the taxpayers to be.

What is the rush? Why can’t the Super Majority wait to see what the focus group comes up with? Perhaps the winning RFP will not even include the Bath Houses. Perhaps there’s a better location for the museum.

PLEASE email your legislators right now and tell them to table the vote before it’s too late or at best vote NO.
The last thing Westchester County needs is another hastily made decision. Let’s wait to get some Factual information into our hands that will lead us to make an informed decision on the best use of this county property.

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